Coloring cartoon Cossacks!
Cossacks series (Cartoon) "The Cossacks" - a series of animated films produced in the USSR, the Ukrainian film studio Kievnauchfilm "directed by Vladimir Dakhno. The protagonists are three series of the Zaporozhye Cossacks: bruiser, shorty and strongman (according to the scenario are the names of the Gray, The Eye and the tour accordingly but in the series always nameless). The lanky astute and sensible, Shorty - cheerful and militant (he carries around a huge gun-mortar), Strongman - shy and sentimental. They got into an incredible adventure, meeting with people from different countries and ages, even with the gods and aliens. In cartoons there is no dialogue, and any text, except sometimes driven entry "from the author" - the action takes place in an intuitive scenes. All cartoons are shorts, their duration does not exceed 20 minutes. Different series of cycles are often broadcast on Central Television. Based on the television series made a game-quest "How the Cossacks were looking for the Mona Lisa." All product cycle, issued on DVD in the collection "All the Cossacks.
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