Coloring cartoon Return of the Prodigal Parrot!
"The Return of the Prodigal Parrot" - a popular Soviet animated film, star project A. Kurland and B. Karavayeva. Characters Parrot Kesha protagonist cartoon. Egocentric, demanding attention, capricious and willful. On the habits and appearance coat color is most like a parrot macaw family. Plumage bright. Crimson head. Around the eyes large white circles. Lush green crest. On his neck a white "collar"-like frill. The wings are green at the base, with a pink stripe. Purple feathers on the ends, in many cases serve as fingers. Body rose. Legs yellow, with three fingers (two front, one rear). The tail consists of three green feathers with pink tips. Often wears clothes: The first issue only at the beginning: he sits in a chair in sneakers. The second issue in the apartment of a new host is a blue T-shirt with Mickey Mouse. At the beginning of the third edition appeared in white Vova shirt. Then changes his striped shorts with braces, caps, visor and beach glasses. Then a few episodes wears jersey Basil and his cap. Hobby: watching television films and programs. Judging by the vocabulary, completely different subjects - from the lyrical to the crime page of concert programs. It sometimes incoherent, like a set of quotations from broadcasts viewed or heard the songs. Vovk Boss Keshi. A boy of school age. Constantly learning lessons. Often sick. In the first two editions of the cartoon wearing a yellow turtleneck and blue uniforms. The third issue in the beginning appears in a yellow shirt, at the end - in the blue shirt. Tolerant toward whimsical parrot. Takes care of him, going through. Makes every effort to show their love Kesh.
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